NiMH Battery Charger Controller with Loading current flexible adjusting
– LS681-NP2


*Function: Input power supply to the system first. (Battery as a backup power supply).
-Once the dynamic current consumption of the load exceeds the input, it automatically switches the power from
 batteries to supply the load. A high power input is not a consideration.
-Charge flow: Battery alive, Pre-charge, Fast charge, Trickle charge, Re-charge.
-Charge current: adjustable.
-Battery cells: 3 or multi cells, adjustable.  
-Chare full identification: Decrease battery voltage (-deltaV), Flat battery voltage ( 0deltaV).
-Protection: Maximum battery voltage protection, charge timer limitation, Battery terminals shortage protection.
-Status display: 2 LEDs to indicate: Power on, No battery, charge, full, charge defect.
*Working voltage: 5.0V
*Package: SOP-8
*Application: Speaker, Radio.

*Down load brief data sheet.